02 DEC 2007 SUN - HaiKou / XingLong

万泉河 (海南的母亲河, the Mother River of HaiNan) / 娘子军:

(see the top-right pic, the island behind me is the site of BoAo Asian Forum, 博鳌-亚洲论坛永久会址)
"世界上分隔海河最狭窄的沙洲半岛" (see below pic, river on the left & sea on the right):


兴隆 热带植物园:

Heehee, star-shape:


Coffee & Vanilla:

香草兰绿茶 (Vanilla Green Tea), 可可咖啡 (Cocoa Coffee), 玉兰花茶, ...
香草兰米香茶, 香草兰纯苦丁茶, 可可椰奶

The 可可咖啡 and 香草兰纯苦丁茶 very nice, so I bought these:
So disappointing lor, the taste not the same as what I've tasted lei =(
The 香草兰纯苦丁茶 dun have the 甘甜 after-taste lei.
The 可可咖啡 hor, nothing fantastic about the coffee, the unique part is the weird combination of coffee and coconut milk &/cocoa where the strong coconut milk fragrant totally cover the coffee aroma hahaha......


宝树堂 - foot massage:

Dinner / Checked in Kangle Garden Hainan [海南康乐园海航度假酒店]

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