14DEC07 FRI - Walked-in Q&M Dental Surgery at around 5:25pm, it had been 8 years since my last dental checkup in DEC99, had about 3 or 4 fillings then. When the dentist (Dr Cheah Mei Ying) asked about my dental condition, I told her must be very bad. I was well-prepared for the worst. I always have probia seeing dentist.
To my surprise, Dr Cheah said very good, just need to 'wash' and x-ray for a hidden spot to confirm if fillings needed (haha x-ray showed no fillings needed). Dr Cheah said base on my condition, I'll just need to follow up once a year.
Just wanna share my oral habit:
Brush - morning, after lunch (when in the office), before sleep (occasionally dozed off, din brush)
Floss - night (occasionally dozed off, din brush, so din floss)
[so paisay, I dunno how to use floss (the 'string' type), I use dental flossette instead.]
But I think my teeth a bit yellowish lor, maybe can consider whitening:

Pardon me for the above pics, you can't imagine how happy I'm over Dr Cheah's comment on my dental condition.
15DEC07 SAT 11am-2pm - KTV, K-Lunch @K-Box Cineleisure
The lunch set not as good as CCK (CCK-珍珠米 & very generous portion), but much better than TPY lor:

Also the seats very comfortable lor, can accommodate our never ending changing-sitting-position-habit hahaha...... The K-Box Lucky Chinatown's seats very narrow one.