This doggie (does not belong to the Ashram) was 'howling' at our door (not sure if this is the right word, u know that kind of sound dog makes when see 'ghost', hahaha...) the whole of my 2nd night in the ashram, but I wasn't really affected, so lucky ... 'piggy' me ... deep sleep any where any place ... hahaha......

Eating Guidelines and Indian Eating Style:

I adopted the Indian Eating style, not bad hor, 'shi mo shi yang':

Meditation Lesson, the other 2 'Singapore girls', Christina Foo & Royis Pang:


Preparing for Yoga Nidra ; haha the doggie also enjoyed Yoga Nidra on warm carpet (that 's the floor mat for our room, my roommate washed in the afternoon, wanna pick it up at night, but...)

Self-Study in the afternoon after lunch - me and my roommates (Valeria, Muay & Fernanda, from Uruguay, Thailand & Mexico):

Before sleep - Laptops! (me, Muay & Valeria):

Me enjoying the Coconut Brittle Mr & Mrs Sharma gave during the hand mudras lesson, so sweet, we were asked to close our eyes to perform Varuna Mudra (touch little finger with thumb) and they gave us this 'sweet' while explaining the mudra:

Very hot and dry here, my hand so dry:

for John & Tan, see the upgrade:
- the path

- Anan-ji's shop with shelter:

BTW, I've changed my plan, likely to stay in Nasik for 10-day attachment in the Yoga Therapy Center, thereafter spend 2 to 3 days in Mumbai, will return home latest 24 APR 08 Thursday morning (dad & mum have follow-up at SNEC in the afternoon).
Also next week no weekly off, will do Master Cleansing (Shankha Prakshalana) whereby we will keep doing: drinking... performing asana... put-put ......
Catch-up again on 02APR08.