19MAR08 Wed - Went up the hill behind the ashram for sun-rise:

That's me! Nice pic hor? Taken by Muay:

Muay, Me & Valeria:

When do we have this dish in Singapore? So far we had this dish once a week (3 times for now) and we (the 3 Singapore Girls) had a good laugh everytime we ate this Singapore Dish.
It's a misunderstanding (great joke?)! Per Christina (completed the TTC course in Singapore via Yoga Connection), this is referring to 'Lei Cha' the Hakka Dish. GuruJi was in Singapore conducting the TTC course and Anthony (from Yoga Connection) bought 'Lei Cha' for them one afternoon.
Christina is going to email Gandhar Ji the detail of 'Lei Cha' when she gets back Singapore in mid May08.

25MAR08 TUE - Sweet corn eaten raw as fruit, new to me but it's really juicy & yummy (guess we are not able to get such 'fat' corn in Singapore):

26MAR08 WED - Preparation for tomorrow's Master Cleansing Process:

27MAR08 THUR - It's really amazing. Can you imagine your stool in clear water form?
My Master Cleansing Record (2 hours):
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
1 successful evacuation of stool (normal form);
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
1 successful evacuation of stool (dirty liquid form);
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
1 successful evacuation of stool (yellowish liquid form with little residual);
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
1 successful evacuation of stool (clear water form);
2 cup of salted lemon water, 2 set of Asana;
1 successful evacuation of stool (clear water form);
Amazing right? Will share more with you when I balek kampong.
Indian style, so no toilet paper, used water to clean, I have not master the technique, so need the towel to dry my 'ba yue shi wu' and wet tissue to clean my hand, hahaha......

The quality of the tap water not so good lor, yellowish water. So how to distinguish clear water stool? HeeHee I used toilet paper (really small piece la), the wet toilet papar still white lor hahaha...

11am - Special Kicheri with 100 gram of Ghee after the Master Cleansing:

5pm we had our 2nd meal after Master Cleansing (Special Kicheri with 50 gram of Ghee).
5:30pm went up the hill for sun-set ; we (the 3 Singapore Girls):

28MAR08 FRI - 3rd Meal after Master Cleansing, plain porridge for us, can only 'see' others eating juicy fruit. I was rather 'down' the whole morning, guess it's because of the low blood sugar level. Luckily Sharman Ji said we can also take some sweetened wheat porridge, that really cheer me up:

28MAR08 FRI Lunch - First Almost-Normal Meal. Pumpkin & Pineapple! both my favourite! cannot eat fruit (esp those acidic type) for 3 days, so no salad for me:

31MAR08 MON 'Induced Vomitting' another cleansing technique. I don't think it is right in principle to do this just 4 days after Master Cleansing, so I did not do this. Sharma Ji said it is ok to do this if you are feeling well. I was feeling good & very well but I just wanna stick to my principle (i know i am stubborn at times):

31MAR08 MON - Mrs Sharma brought us sweet again:

01APR08 TUE - It was so cold last night that I woke up in the middle of the night to cover myself with another piece of wool blanket. Me enjoying Hot Buttermilk after breakfast, just before first lecture of the day: