just wanna share... from Sandeep Ji's fb:
A WOMAN BAKED CHAPPATIS for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept the extra chapatti on the window-sill, for whosoever would take it away.. Everyday, a hunchback came and took away the chapatti. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" This went on, day after day.. Everyday, the hunch-back came, picked up the chapatti and uttered the words: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!"
The woman felt irritated. "Not a word of gratitude," she said to herself. "Everyday this hunchback utters this jingle! What does he mean?"
One day, exasperated, she decided to do away with him. "I shall get rid of this hunchback," she said. And what did she do? She added poison to the chapatti she prepared for him! As she was about to keep it on the window sill, her hands trembled. "What is this I am doing?" she said. Immediately, she threw the chapatti into the fire, prepared another one and kept it on the window- sill. As usual, the hunchback came, picked up the chapatti and muttered the words:
"The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" The hunchback proceeded on his way, blissfully unaware of the war raging in the mind of the woman.
Everyday, as the woman placed the chapatti on the window-sill, she offered a prayer for her son who had gone to a distant place to seek his fortune. For many months, she had no news of him. She prayed for his safe return.
That evening, there was a knock on the door. As she opened it, she was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway. He had grown thin and lean. His garments were tattered and torn. He was hungry, starved and weak. As he saw his mother, he said, "Mom, it's a miracle I'm here. While I was but a mile away, I was so famished that I collapsed.
I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. I begged of him for a morsel of food, and he was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti. As he gave it to me, he said, "This is what I eat everyday: today, I shall give it to you, for your need is greater than mine!"
As the mother heard those words, her face turned pale. She leaned against the door for support. She remembered the poisoned chapatti she had made that morning. had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son, and he would have lost his life! It was then that she realized the significance of the words: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!"
An excellent example of the Theory of Karma.
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current event, MIU MIU spree:
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APR2010, for now
;) heehee for my sweet tooth... thks!:

11APR2010 SUN - Yiting's 17th birthday celebration (she's 17 on 12APR2010!):

16APR2010 FRI 8:15pm - Crystal Jade Holland Village, XiaoLongBao cum Steamboat Buffet:

hahaha i'd a good facial steam:

our 'Cinderella' RenYi, removed all the 虾壳 for us, so sweet of her:

5 of us had '11 basket' of XLB, so average 11 pieces for each:

18APR2010 SUN KLunch with ST & LL
this round ST bought durian pies besides the usual kopi, haha we very bad hor the durian smell so strong:

QingMing 扫墓
11APR2010 SUN LimChuKang - papa's mama:

12APR2010 MON Mandai - mama's pama
11APR2010 SUN - Yiting's 17th birthday celebration (she's 17 on 12APR2010!):
16APR2010 FRI 8:15pm - Crystal Jade Holland Village, XiaoLongBao cum Steamboat Buffet:
hahaha i'd a good facial steam:
our 'Cinderella' RenYi, removed all the 虾壳 for us, so sweet of her:
5 of us had '11 basket' of XLB, so average 11 pieces for each:
18APR2010 SUN KLunch with ST & LL
this round ST bought durian pies besides the usual kopi, haha we very bad hor the durian smell so strong:
QingMing 扫墓
11APR2010 SUN LimChuKang - papa's mama:
12APR2010 MON Mandai - mama's pama
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i'm helping for now plus handling $, they too young no posb ibanking.
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do email me for suggestions or tips for them to improve their services.
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15 APR 2010 THUR - Prank Call
received a prank call this morning... asked me guess who he is... said he is kevin, met me sometime back through sharon... forgotten how he led me into talking about my recent trips... quickly found an excuse to end the call, he asked when convenient to call again, i just ended the call... shit! i hate talking to stranger in this way... my bus-ride sleep affected some more... what era... still have such prank call?
Love You I Do, 如果沒有你, 被遺忘的時光 ~杜华瑾
wow wow she's awesome! really can interpret the songs so well, i LIKE her vocal:
Love You I Do:
Love You I Do:
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