
at last added some newly recorded songs for mama ;) see mama enjoying:
i used to hate hokkien songs. the video used to be ladies in swimming costume only, many many years back, when i was a part-time K-J then, that was the starting generation of the karaoke entertainment, no individual ktv rooms then. at that time, i really dislike those DOM (haha DOM = Dirty-Old-Man), dunno they like the songs or the swimming costume ladies video? hahaha luckily my hokkien 'cannot make it one', so can reject singing with them then lol.

so how do i sing hokkien song? must keep practising and memorizing the lyrics one!

last time when mama joined us for ktv (in room), she will weep when listening to hokkien songs (usu sang by my sisters), which i can't understand then???

i understand now, my turn to weep whenever i sing this (have to control my emotion when i sing this), btw i was trying to whistle (if you know me well enough, you will know that i am good at that lol...) at the end of the song, but somehow... hahaha :
誰在叫阮的名 一句比一句痛
不需要別人來講 阮心內嘛知影
是你的聲 是你的聲

誰住在阮的夢 一住就一世人
雖然離開那呢遠 阮猶原會知影
是你的影 是你的影

叫阮的名 阮用一生斟酌聽
當初細漢袂赴乎你瞭解 你是阮的生命
叫阮的名 阮需要你來作伴
人生的路途 阮愛你牽阮走

this song very cartoon! but very meaningful! i specially learnt it to make mama laugh instead of weep then, hope whoever listening to this will laugh too, BE HAPPY!:
人生海海 甘需要拢了解
有时仔清醒 有时青菜
有人讲好 一定有人讲歹
若甭想彼多 咱生活卡自在

归工嫌车无够叭 嫌厝无够大
嫌菜煮了无好吃 嫌某尚歹看
驶着好车惊人偷 大厝歹拼扫
吃甲尚好惊血压高 美某会兑人走

人生短短 好像块乞逃
有时仔烦恼 有时轻可
问我到底腹内有什法宝 其实无散步

another hokkien song that i picked up previously:

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