17APR2011 SUN - this QingMing...

for the first time, we visited 'AhMa at her tomb' on 2 consecutive Sundays...


last sunday, we were rushing through the ritual as the sky was dark when we reached. it started to rain when we were half way through the ritual. we had to run to our car to hide from the rain. we had to continue in a rush with the ritual when the rain was not that heavy. though completed but half here half there and rushed this rushed that... we felt that... um... we don't feel good!
so we decided then, to do 'it' again but in a simplified way next week, that is today, though the QingMing Festival has already ended... we felt that we should not just 'do it for the sake of doing'... 
i heart my siblings for having the same thinking as me :)

so today, we leisurely completed the simplified ritual :)

my AhMa's 'house' not bad hor, she has got trees in her 'garden', one 水梅 and the other one i dunno what, nice? :

not sure if this is the same tree-lizard? every year we find a tree-lizard in her 'garden', just one!

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