Pulasan [pu tou san]

my second elder brother likes to buy fruits for our weekly family day... never fail to bring back so much fond memories... :) he bought this today...

we had mango, guava, papaya, rambutan,... trees then, when we were staying at the hong kah kampong... but not this... but the neighbour opposite us had this 'pu tou san' tree:

... he said he bought 'grape mountain' today and we were guessing... lol...
we only knew that this is 'pu tou san':
'pu tou' = grape in hokkien
'san' = mountain in mandarin 

so.... i googled.... this is Pulasan ... muahahaha....

just noted from wiki that...
'the seed of the pulasan is readily edible raw. It has a flavour somewhat similar to that of almonds.'
!!! !!! ??? ???
... i still have some pulasan in my fridge... will try eating the seed tomorrow ;)

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