27 AUG 2006 SUN - 'HIAO' REN MIN

26 AUG 2006 SAT - BAD HAIR DAYS......

19-25 AUG 2006 SAT-FRI
Brought my nieces, RenYi & RenMin along. They were so excited as this was their first time watching a play.
Took this pic while on our way to Matrix.YiYi coincidently looked back and noticed the pink 'ball' changed to her favourite colour, yellow. She wanna walk back to take another pic with the yellow 'ball'. Running late, promised her to do so while on our way back.
Waiting time... The play din start on time :(They quite enjoyed the play though YiYi claimed that it's a bit 复杂 (YiYi P2 only), asked me to bring them along next time. Told them I'll look out for play caters for children, they said they prefer adult one because more interesting, unlike children one so boring, haha really 人小鬼大.
Kept my promise, pic with not only the yellow 'ball', also the blue one:
22AUG06 TUE - Joined a new yoga course (7-9pm) at Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple (397 Serangoon Road) organised by Nikam Guruji Yoga Kutir. Check out the dates & locations of the new classes at www.yoganikam.com if you are keen. The course is free but got to pay $15 admin fee to the temple. The Reference Notes book is $5:
I was shocked by the number of participants - more than a hundred! I reached there around 6:25pm and I was the 95th to register.
Ya with this, I'm attending 3 classes of yoga every weeks for now. I'm not 'siao' la, this 3x per week is actually 'kacang butek' compares to the 1 month yoga teacher training course that I'm planning to attend in JAN07 in India =).
23AUG06 WED - My sis, Sally was away on biz trip for 3 days, be home around 11pm on Friday night, I promised to pop by every nights to make sure her 3 kids dun go wild...
Day 1, HaoHao said wanna buy cake to welcome mummy home on Friday. YiYi missed mummy, see what she wrote on the white board:
24AUG06 THUR - YiYi asked me (repeatedly) if I can go and fetch her home after school. Told her I'll try but no promises...
25AUG06 FRI - Took half day urgent leave to attend to some personal matters. Managed to reach BPPS at 5:45pm to fetch YiYi home. YiYi walked out with her best pal, Yoke Fang. Yoke Fang asked YiYi, "Is this your mummy?" Hahaha... ;)
YiYi posing with Yoke Fang. YiYi is really HUGE... When we parted, I asked YiYi if there's anyone fetching Yoke Fang home. She said sometimes no one, sometimes her father and sometimes her elder sister. "What about her mummy?" I asked. She said: "Yoke Fang's mummy 去别的世界了." [so sad :( just feel like hugging her and sayang her a bit...]
See YiYi so happy that I fetched her home after school: 6:35pm Rest time after bath & dinner:
7:15pm Time to pick up MinMin from tuition, then buy 'welcome home supper' for their mummy. Angel saw us going out, asked her if she wanna go with us, she was so happy:
While waiting for the PoPian, YiYi told me she has not seen her mummy for almost 3 days already. She must have missed her mummy very much.
8pm Stopped by at the playground while on our way back: These were the 'welcome home supper' for their mummy, a piece of coffee cake (from YiYi $1.30) and 2 rolls of PoPian (from HaoHao & MinMin $2 ):

(The officer captured both my right & left live thumbprints.)

The book inventory control number is adopted as the passport number. Therefore, my new passport number is no longer my NRIC number. The BioPass number begins with a prefix 'E', followed by 7 digits and ending with an alphabet. [ Alamak another set of number to be memorised =( ]

Got this bookmark on "Care Instructions for BioPass" from the officer:
This passport contains a chip and antenna embedded in the data page. In addition to the normal care & respect accorded to a passport, BioPass holders are advised to treat the BioPass with due care like any portable electronic device i.e. by ensuring that it does not become wet, bent or mutilated.

Korea goodies from my colleagues, back from biz trip.
(Candice, Pamela & Yvonne, thank you!)

13-14 AUG 2006 SUN-MON
See my "guong guong" look after the DIY cut:

14AUG06 MON - Enquired online at around 9:30am, my resubmitted passport photo is ok and I can collect my new biometric passport tomorrow. Hurray!

12 AUG 2006 SAT - KTV
(Garrick, we will accommodate your timing next round.)
My Pan Fry Salmon & Lemon Tea:

HeeHee QUIZ time! You know the song titles?

ST just came back from biz trip, see what she bought me, wow different flavour of chewing gum.
(ST, thank you for the gummy gummies!)

Haha this round we no "chao kuan", left at around 2:05pm without being chased by the staff. [ I got to rush for my yoga class at BPCC at 2:30pm ;) ]
10-11 AUG 2006 THUR-FRI
小姑大长今 & Angel 小长今 hahaha...

(Susan, thank you for adding variety to my mouthwatering fruit supper.)

11AUG06 FRI - Received email from APPLES. Alamak! My photo din meet the requirements lei =(

Quickly snapped snapped snapped & resubmitted.
My photo quality is as good as the sample? I think so.

07-10 AUG 2006 MON-THUR

Must have white background, also office lighting stronger, most importantly "office-alone".
See so "hiao", so many takes:
These (for passport) taken at home, on 14JUL06, after the makeover, thought with makeup will look nice, but somehow look so funny???
09AUG06 WED - Dinner, PH Hawaiian Pizza $1 only (HSBC's $1 Treat)
10AUG06 THU around 0030HR - APPLES reopened at 0000 hours after system migration, can't wait to apply for the new Biometric Passport, my current one expiring on 08JAN2007, validity less than 6 months, as good as expired.